Battle Of The Eyes are Chris Long and Edwin Pouncey
Camera : Tino Tedaldi
Editor : Charlie di Placido
Music : drcarlsonalbion
Voice : Dudley Sutton
Graphics : Paul Plowman
Paint Wrangler : Jill Tipping
Extras : Jason Atomic, Neil Burgess, Angus Carter, Gia Cavalli, Luca Cavalli, Espira, K-Tron,
Joe Allen Long, Honey Manko Takatsuna Mukai, Adriana Noble, Bruno Noble, Gabriella Noble
Special thanks to : Mark Boyce and Hugo Rocha of Boyce da Roca
Thanks to Bernard Stollman, Peter Beckmann, Michael Vale and Tomboy Films
Potential (1965) by Sun Ra Courtesy of ESP-Disk’
Produced and Directed by : Mario Cavalli
A Colony Production
Shot entirely on location in Streatham, South London
A long (30 min), mute, ‘fruit machine’, looping triptych of textures, shot around Streatham in South London, created for projection during the Battle Of The Eyes’ live painting performance.
All of these images were shot on an iPhone 5 and processed variously in Instagram,
CameraBag and Photoshop, then assembled and animated in Final Cut Pro X.
This version is intentionally mute. I may get around to adding some sort of ambient music track sometime. Meanwhile, it makes a very nice screensaver.